
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Chat GPT Content Writing: Create Community Content for SEO


Discover how to use Chat GPT for content writing to craft engaging community-focused articles that boost your SEO rankings. In this video, we’ll show you step-by-step how to create detailed, keyword-rich content tailored to local communities, perfect for blogs, real estate websites, or tourism guides.


10 Easy SEO Optimization Tips for WordPress Blogs + Step-by-Step Video Tutorial


By following these SEO Optimization tips, you can optimize your blog posts for SEO and drive more traffic to your website


2024: My 3 BEST Real Estate Website SEO & Lead Generation Tips


Real Estate SEO is hard. These 3 tips will help you optimize your website for Google and show you how to increase your leads you get from your real estate website.


How to Make a Google Business Page for your Company in 7 Easy Steps


How to Make a Google Business Page in 7 Easy StepsIf you have been wondering how to make a Google Business page, you aren’t alone. Searches for how to set up your Google Business are up 900% […]


How to Use MacOS Finder Quick Actions to Markup an Image in Minutes with VIDEO & Screenshots


I was reading on Apple News today and came across a cool article I just HAD to share! I find these cool tricks & tips just addicting and love learning about new ones but I don’t often have the time to explore them all. So when I read something cool like this I instantly want […]


Tutorial: How to Update WordPress Plugins, Themes & Core


Updating WordPress is important. Keeping your WordPress updates current will protect your site from viruses and malware and will also make sure it is running efficiently and will make sure your site speed and performance is at its best. NOT updating your site could be disastrous – not only because you. might get a virus […]


How to make your WordPress Website ADA Compliant for Accessibility


What is all the hullabaloo about this ADA Compliancy?

If you haven’t been living under a rock on a deserted island you probably have heard something about your website needing to be ADA Compliant. It has been widely talked about in many articles for the last few years and has been even more talked about […]


IDXBroker Tip: When your listing photo isn’t showing up on Facebook Preview


IDXBroker Facebook Listing Photo MissingHaving problems with Facebook not showing the photo of the property you are trying to post your Facebook Business page? You’re not alone. Unfortunately, we can’t control which photo Facebook chooses to put into the […]


Realtor: Why haven’t I gotten a single lead since you built my real estate website?


Lead Generation for RealtorsI get this question a lot – Why isn’t my website generating leads? The answer I give is almost nearly the same for everyone: Your website is a tool and if you aren’t using it & promoting it, it’s not going […]


How to use the new WordPress Gutenberg Content Editor


Gutenberg is here! Some of you are excited and some of you (probably a lot) are not so excited. I get it, truly I do. Learning something new when you had everything down before & knew where to find the tools you needed to build a page or a blog post can be a frustrating […]
