Wordpress Security, Update & Backups

Tutorial: How to Update WordPress Plugins, Themes & Core


Updating WordPress is important. Keeping your WordPress updates current will protect your site from viruses and malware and will also make sure it is running efficiently and will make sure your site speed and performance is at its best. NOT updating your site could be disastrous – not only because you. might get a virus […]


WHY do I have to Update my WordPress website AGAIN?!?!?


So you want to know why you have to keep updating your WordPress website, huh?

Part of what makes WordPress so awesome is that it has Plugins & Themes (and the core “WordPress system) like your phone has Apps. So whenever you want your website to have a new feature or do something cool […]

Over 30,000 WordPress Websites we’re hacked last year….will yours be next?


According to WordPress Authority wpsites.net

30,000 sites were hacked earlier this year and 4,800 websites deleted without any chance of recovery last year

Wordpress Website Security, Updates & Backups HelpWhy do WordPress sites get Hacked?

That’s pretty scary. Why does this happen? Many reasons – using insecure […]


XSS Vulnerability Affecting Multiple WordPress Plugins – Get protected!


Another warning about Wordpess Updates to your site! If you have my WP-SUB Package you are protected but if not you need to update your plugins because We use many of these plugins in your sites! 


​Wordpress Security, WordPress Updates & Website Backup:

YEARLY ($399): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=DUTTXDMR6RKE6

MONTHLY ($39):  


Just-released WordPress 0day makes it easy to hijack millions of websites [Updated] | Ars Technica


If you haven’t protected your WordPress Site yet – now is the time to get WP-SUB! Watch the video below to learn why!

Exploit code lets attackers gain administrative control sans authorization.

Source: Just-released WordPress 0day makes it easy to hijack millions of websites [Updated] | Ars Technica

Online Marketing Tips

We’ve been in the […]


The Comment XSS Vulnerability is Not Affecting Sites Hosted by YSNM


If your site is hosted by us and you have received an email from wordpress about the XSS Vulnerability, have no fear! We are already on top of it. Our awesome team had already put a patch into place within our hosting environment within a few hours of WordPress announcing it yesterday. This means that […]


Heartbleed – What is it and why you need protection on your WordPress Site


Heartbleed: An Epic Catastrophe 

Heartbleed - What is it and why you need protection on your WordPress SiteLast week, we all found out about Heartbleed – one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities to WordPress […]


How safe is your WordPress Site from getting hacked? WordPress Security, Updates & Backups


Recently my email has been exploding with past clients asking – no, begging – for help with their WordPress websites. Often it is a security message in their browser saying their site is no longer secure:
