
How to Use MacOS Finder Quick Actions to Markup an Image in Minutes with VIDEO & Screenshots


I was reading on Apple News today and came across a cool article I just HAD to share! I find these cool tricks & tips just addicting and love learning about new ones but I don’t often have the time to explore them all. So when I read something cool like this I instantly want […]


3 Common Website Policies You Need Right Now!


States are proposing laws that will allow consumers to sue businesses anywhere in the US for not having a compliant Privacy Policy. – Termageddon

Adding policies to your website is a decision you will have to make. Don’t wait until it is too late. If you […]


My BEST Tips on How to Create a Better Real Estate Website


Create a Better Real Estate WebsiteSo, you want to create a real estate website or you already have a real estate website but it’s not performing. Or, maybe it is, but you just KNOW it could be better. We understand. We’ve been at it since 2005, and we […]


How to Make a Website ADA Compliant


It’s all the buzz right now: How do I make a website ADA Compliant? You’ve probably heard about ADA website compliance in the news recently or may have even received a complaint letter yourself which sent you scrambling. You might even have heard that in Florida Realtors are getting hit left and right with Lawsuits […]


37 DIY Face Mask Tutorials: Cloth Face Masks, Face Shields & Face Coverings (Coronavirus & COVID-19)


37 DIY Coronavirus Tutorials: Cloth Face Masks, Face Shields & Face Coverings (COVID-19)*UPDATED: 41 DIY Face Masks Tutorials now including 13 DIY Face Mask & Face Shield Video Tutorials!

As this Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to […]


Tutorial: How to Update WordPress Plugins, Themes & Core


Updating WordPress is important. Keeping your WordPress updates current will protect your site from viruses and malware and will also make sure it is running efficiently and will make sure your site speed and performance is at its best. NOT updating your site could be disastrous – not only because you. might get a virus […]


How to make your WordPress Website ADA Compliant for Accessibility


What is all the hullabaloo about this ADA Compliancy?

If you haven’t been living under a rock on a deserted island you probably have heard something about your website needing to be ADA Compliant. It has been widely talked about in many articles for the last few years and has been even more talked about […]


WHY do I have to Update my WordPress website AGAIN?!?!?


So you want to know why you have to keep updating your WordPress website, huh?

Part of what makes WordPress so awesome is that it has Plugins & Themes (and the core “WordPress system) like your phone has Apps. So whenever you want your website to have a new feature or do something cool […]

IDXBroker Tip: When your listing photo isn’t showing up on Facebook Preview


IDXBroker Facebook Listing Photo MissingHaving problems with Facebook not showing the photo of the property you are trying to post your Facebook Business page? You’re not alone. Unfortunately, we can’t control which photo Facebook chooses to put into the […]
