A few days back, I was looking at my social media icons on my site (top right corner) and thought, “Hey, there’s no ActiveRain icon up there. I should add one.” And so began the search. I went on ActiveRain and searched to see if they had any icon sets. Nope.
I went on Google images to see if there was something there. Nothing.
I searched other RainMakers’ sites. Strike out.
I found some old ActiveRain icons that had obviously been made by other people, but they weren’t any good. Fail.
I tried my own hand at making a few. Nada.
At this point, I’m completely frustrated and I’m thinking to myself, “Why, ActiveRain? WHY do you NOT have a set of professional ActiveRain icons for your bloggers so they can link to your site?” Then, I had an epiphany! I’ll hire someone at Fiverr to make me some custom icons! SCORE!
FREE ActiveRain Icons for Your Website!
I went on Fivver and found a graphics person who would make me a handful of great designs. Three days later I had some kick-a$$ AR icons! I’m not entirely sure if it’s legal or not (please forgive me, ActiveRain, for making some cool icons so you can gain more backlinks; I’m happy to give them all to you to distribute) but either way, they are here… I finally got them and they look great on my site! Now I can link to my AR blog and look like a professional!
Then I thought to myself, “Self, I wonder how many other RainMakers wanted to do the same thing and had the same frustrating results? You should share these with others!” And so here you go!
ActiveRain Icons in Every Color
I’ve taken the original white and aqua ActiveRain icons that I had made to match my site’s colors and made them in a ton of different colors for you. Each one has a transparent background, and some come in different sizes. Please feel free to use them at your own risk (it looks like its legal)! Below are thumbnails of each icon. You can click on them to view them, then right click to download. OR just click this link to download all ActiveRain Icons in a ZIP file.
And if you really like this post, and are SUPER happy I made them then do me a huge favor and share this post on your ActiveRain blog, Facebook, Twitter or even blog about it on your personal blog! Help me spare others the frustration and banging-of-head-on-wall feeling by spread the word to other RainMakers so they can download these Active Rain icons!
Online Marketing Tips
We’ve been in the online website marketing business since 2004 and we love what we do! If you are looking for more tips, check out our How to Make a Google Business Page for your Company in 7 Easy Steps or How to Add a Business to Apple Maps (For FREE!): Step-by-Step Guide!
If you need some tips on how to go viral then check out my blog post on Unleashing the Power of Viral Marketing Campaigns: 7 Tips to Make Your Blog Posts Go Viral plus Strategies, Tools, and Examples. Need help with your websites SEO? Check out My 3 BEST Real Estate Website SEO & Lead Generation Tips.
YourSiteNeedsMe is a Real Estate Websites WordPress Designer for REALTORS and enjoys writing blog posts about hot topics and fun things to do.
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