Have you ever wondered how your competitors are getting more leads than you? What is real estate search engine optimization anyways? How do they get to page 1 in Google? What’s google authorship about? What IS it that they are doing that makes them so much more successful than you?

Let me ask you a question: When someone comes to you and says they want to sell their home themselves, do you inwardly cringe and think to yourself ‘OK, go ahead and try but you are not a professional and I’ll be talking to you again soon’? That’s because you KNOW they won’t succeed. Or if they do, they will not do it as fast and/or with the top price that YOU could get. Why? Because you are a professional and you know where to list their home, how to stage it to make it more attractive and where to market it to get the most attention. Plus, you are a sales person: it’s what you do! The best thing those people could do to sell their home faster and for top dollar is to hire YOU.

Now let’s apply this to your website. Have you been trying to do your own real estate website design? Been thinking that you want to post stuff to social media but you are not sure what to post. Have you been half heartedly attempting to figure out what Google Authorship is, Real Estate Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Website Optimization or Social Media Marketing? Are you spending hours trying to research this stuff only to be frusterated and confused when you still can’t get it right? Not to mention, watching your competitors happily out in the field day after day selling homes while their online presence is keeping their wallets full and their schedule filled? So what’s their secret already???

Real Estate Website DesignReal Estate Search Engine Optimization: Whaaaaaaaat?

Well, I’ll tell ya…. They are spending their time more wisely doing what they do best and letting the experts (that’s us) do what we do best for them! The most successful agents know that to get the job done right you need to hire a professional. You need to spend the money to make the money. They put aside money from each deal and PLAN on it going to their marketing so that they keep getting deals. The more they do this, the more successful they become and the less that expense seems like a big deal! It’s smart planning. Why do it yourself when your time is more valuable spent doing what you do best, and you can hire a real estate search engine optimization expert to get you better website ranking, write blog posts, keep your sites up to date with the best technology and making you shine on all of your social media sites?

How can we help you with your Real Estate Search Engine Optimization

YourSiteNeedsMe specializes in Real Esate Website Design & Real Estate Search Engine Optimization. We know how to build you the best site that has the look and feel you want and the lead capture tools in it to get people to fill out the form to contact you. We know the right IDX tools to use and where to put them. We know how to set up Blogging so that your blog is actively being posted to daily/weekly and the posts are original content and look like they come from you! We know how to make those blog posts automatically repost to your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and more so that your social media is always working! And we know how to get you to page 1 in google. We make it our business to know this stuff and to keep on top of the latest and greatest tools and methods to keep you in front of your competition. By hiring us we can take your current strategy to the next level and make you shine so any client that sees it will know that you are on top of your game.

What services do we offer you may ask?

Let’s face it, every day you wait you are losing money. AND you are falling further and further behind your competition. Isn’t it time to let the professionals handle your online presence?

Now let me ask you one more question: Do you want more leads?

Fill out the form below or Give us a call today! (517) 917-0582


We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Online Marketing Tips

We’ve been in the online website marketing business since 2004 and we love what we do! If you are looking for more tips, check out our How to Make a Google Business Page for your Company in 7 Easy Steps or How to Add a Business to Apple Maps (For FREE!): Step-by-Step Guide!

If you need some tips on how to go viral then check out my blog post on Unleashing the Power of Viral Marketing Campaigns: 7 Tips to Make Your Blog Posts Go Viral plus Strategies, Tools, and Examples. Need help with your websites SEO? Check out My 3 BEST Real Estate Website SEO & Lead Generation Tips.

YourSiteNeedsMe is a Real Estate Websites WordPress Designer for REALTORS and enjoys writing blog posts about hot topics and fun things to do.